Have you ever dreamed of writing a romance novel?
Writing a novel can be a long and lonely road, but not if you find your "tribe;" people who understand what you're going through and support you on the way to publication.
Our Purpose: To advance the professional interests of career-focused writers through networking, information, and education, and to provide continuing support for writers within the romance publishing industry.
Membership: Open to anyone eighteen or older who has an interest in writing professionally. National membership is a requirement for enrollment in a local chapter. You are welcome to attend two meetings before committing to join.
Meetings: Usually held on the third Monday of the month at 6 pm CT on Zoom.
Annual Retreat: Held for a full weekend in October! (This year we found beautiful timeshares at Izaty's Resort for an entire week and they were cheaper than weekend prices elsewhere. Everyone had the option to come for part of the week or all of it.)
Writing doesn’t have to be a lonely endeavor. Meet other writers who share your passion! We're a fun bunch of gals who love to talk books and the writing process. Some of us are published, some are still working on it, but we're all one group where everyone is equal regardless of whether you've published ten books or are still working on your first one.
As a member, you have access to RWA’s huge library of resources.
Improve your writing through roundtable discussions, workshops and seminars, online classes, and publications.
Romance Writers Report: Monthly trade publication covers all aspects of the romance writer’s career.
eNotes: E-newsletter delivers industry news right to your email.
myRWA: Private online community where members can connect with each other.
Contests: Entry into the prestigious Diamond and Golden Heart contests as well as chapter contests.
RWA University: RWA’s online education hub for members.